On another lovely sunny day we had a great turnout of 27 juniors who came along to play and enjoy chess.

Tony took the 1 st advanced session of 9 players and went through a selection of puzzles graded from easy to difficult. All present did well and enjoyed the session.

I was delighted to see 5 coaches including yours truly going through their paces with 5 individual intermediate and beginners giving one to one lessons right across the board (excuse the pun). It is also re assuring both from parent and juniors that they feel they are really benefiting from attending the weekly lessons and enjoying coming along – this is what it is all about and is so rewarding. Providing chess for all.

In the 2nd advanced session Martin used the projector to show 5 puzzles varying in strength which is great for pattern recognition and we hope this can be carried on into live play. He also went through a game played in the 1972 world championship final between Boris Spassky and Bobby Fischer, this game can be viewed in full from our GAMES page which you can find in the Menu.

Many thanks to all our coaches – Graham, Steve, Paul, Azhar, Tony and Martin, well done.

Eric Sachs

Martin O Neill – Private Lessons

One of our highest graded tutors offers private chess lessons to juniors, if interested Martin can be contacted by email :- mart_o_neill@yahoo.co.uk

He plays in Division 1 (out of 6 divisions) for the Poole Chess Club and has an ELO Rating of 1838

Holds a Valid DBS Certificate and is happy to teach beginners to advanced

Lives in Parkstone and is happy to come to you.

6 lesson blocks at £15 each

Tips for beginners:-

Casablanca Quote:-

Ladder Competition

Wins today for Max, Pavina, Tristan, Sameer, Nicolas, Nathaniel, Noah, Andrew, Joey, Woody, Neil, and Aman.

Knockout Competition

We are making steady progress in this inaugural knockout competition, by the end of the month we hope to hold all four finals.

Brain Teaser

Forget the normal values of chess pieces, what is the Queen worth in this equation:-

Try and do this on your own, then Jot your answer down and along with your name send it to Graham’s email address:-


As an experiment, just for this week, we would like to know who might respond to this sort of quiz which could be anything chess related. The idea would be to put the entrants names put into a ‘hat’ and a winner receiving a prize of some kind. If we get a good response, then this may become a regular feature in our postings.

Reminder it’s ‘Father’s Day’ next weekend

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